The function of the autoclave is as a room for sterilizing medical equipment and tools. This sterilization process uses the high-pressure steam method.
This technique is similar to a pressure cooker which provides a high-pressure steam pressure that actually acts to tighten the lid. What is the process like?
How does the autoclave work?
In addition to temperature, the autoclave is a device that is also equipped with a steam pressure gauge. Unmitigated, this vapor pressure can be equivalent to the atmospheric pressure at sea level.
High steam temperature and pressure solely for the sake of sterile medical equipment. This sterile condition is one of the conditions that can be used to help patients. an autoclave is a device that is also equipped with a steam pressure gauge. Unmitigated, this vapor pressure can be equivalent to the atmospheric pressure at sea level.High steam temperature and pressure solely for the sake of sterile medical equipment. This sterile condition is one of the conditions that can be used to help patients.
An autoclave is an essential tool in times of crisis
Sterilization of medical devices is necessary, for example in performing surgery. In developing countries, the lack of autoclaves is an obstacle to carrying out fast and safe procedures.While this sterilization procedure is often the only way to save lives or prevent disability in patients. an autoclave is one of the obstacles to carrying out a fast and safe procedure.Don't underestimate health facilities because WHO records that at least 500,000 women die each year as a result.
Not only pregnant women who can benefit if only adequate medical equipment, including autoclave ownership. People who get into traffic accidents fall, Burns, disaster victims, victims of domestic violence, infections, to congenital defects will get the benefits.
What are the types of autoclave devices?
The hope of procuring this type of autoclave is that all medical facilities can benefit from it, especially in developing countries. What are the types? the cheaper autoclave was launched.The hope of procuring this type of autoclave is that all medical facilities can benefit from it, especially in developing countries. What are the types?
1. Autoclave pressure cooker
Users can perform sterilization easily because the monitor is connected to an integrated heat sensor. This monitor then gives verbal instructions to the user. autoclave pressure cooker. The shape is very similar to a pressure cooker for cooking. They are cheaper and easier to operate.Through this monitor, users can find out whether the cleaning process has been completed or not. All sterilization process data are then sent online for analysis.
It only takes a stove so that this tool can work optimally in helping the medical system, even in remote health facilities. an autoclave is able to operate without the need for electric power. The way it works is really like a pressure cooker.It only takes a stove so that this tool can work optimally in helping the medical system, even in remote health facilities.
2. Autoclave solar system
Another solution for the medical facility has not been reached by adequate electricity is Solarclave. As the name suggests, this tool is a mini autoclave that relies on solar power.Solarclave has the capacity to withstand high pressures of up to 15 psi with an internal temperature of 121 degrees Celsius.
Based on the experiments that have been carried out, the solar autoclave has been functioning with a steam boiler with a capacity of 250 mL. The satellite dish is used to convert solar energy into electricity, producing steam for the airtight vessel with a 5L capacity.There is also an indicator to measure the temperature and activate the LED light when the sterilization process has been reached.The advantages of this solar autoclave include:
- Separating the solar power collecting dish and the vessel so that the collection process is stable
- Able to scale system size with additional solar power collector
- There is an electric modular for measuring temperature, pressure, sunlight, and external energy
- Compact design for easy delivery
Fulfillment of medical equipment such as autoclaves is one way to optimize health facilities' capabilities.Previously, autoclaves were expensive and only owned by big hospitals. But these two simpler types of an autoclave can be a solution for health facilities with limited funds.